The District Advisory Committee has begun its search process for the next District
Superintendent for the Missouri District Church of the Nazarene. Below you will find
information intended to keep you well-informed throughout this process. This page will
be updated as more information becomes available.
11.22.24: District Survey and Assessment link goes live.
12.2.24 – 12.12.24: District Zone Zoom Conversations: North Central and Northen
(12/2, 6pm-7:30pm); Capital and Ozark (12/5, 6:30pm-8pm); St Louis and St Louis
Southwest (12/10, 6pm-7:30pm); Southeast and Leadbelt (12/12, 6pm-7:30pm).
12.15.24: District Survey and Assessment link closes.
1.8.25: District Profile finalized and sent out with nomination link
1.21.25: Deadline for all nominations
2.19.25: Biographical information for all nominations completed
2.20.25: Biographical information document sent to DAC along with straw ballot
to register first 5 choices
2.27.25: DAC meeting to discern list of 10 candidates and finalize compensation
3.15.25: List of 10 sent to Board of General Superintendents for approval
3.21.25: Regional Director sends approved list to DAC with survey to take straw
ballot of top three candidates
3.25.25: DAC meeting to prioritize remaining candidate list and discern 2-3 with
whom to invite to conversations
4.2.25: RD or JGS to set up dates for conversations with nominees; DAC
determine questions for conversations
4.19.25: RD sends questions to candidates
4.21.25 – 4.22.25: Interviews
4.22.25: DAC meets to finalize moving approach and appoint transition point
4.23.25 – 6.1.25: Process committee completes process and candidate
presentation for District Assembly
6.1.25 – 6.2.25: District Assembly – farewell to current DS, election/welcome of
new DS 30 days following Assembly.
DS Selection Process Letter from Dr. David Busic, Jurisdictional General Superintendent
(sent 11.11.24).
Clarification on Dr. Busic’s Letter (sent 11.14.24).
DS Transition Process Information, including a Call to Prayer, the District Survey & Assessment Link, and information regarding Zone Zoom meetings (sent 11.22.24).
What is the District Advisory Committee?
- The District Advisory Committee (DAC) is composed of the members of the
District Advisory Board, the chairperson of the District NDI Board, the president
of the district NMI, the president of the district NYI, the district secretary, and the
district treasurer.
Who are the current members of the District Advisory Committee?
- Rev. Dr. Jason Stevens, Harvester – DAB Secretary Rev.
- Wes Phillips, Jefferson City – DAB Clergy; Process Chair
- Rev. Pat Garcia, Columbia – DAB Clergy; NDI Chairperson
- Scott Meyer, Cape Girardeau – DAB Laity
- Sherri Jenkerson, Fredericktown – DAB Laity
- Brie Speicher, Ferguson – DAB Laity
- Rev. Melissa Jones, Rolla – NYI Pres.; Prayer & Communication Chair
- Rev. Shauney Clark, Clarence – NMI President
- Rev. Joe Purl, Dist. Evangelist – District Secretary
- Rev. Kevin Muttschall, Fenton – District Treasurer
Who is the current Jurisdictional General Superintendent?
- Rev. Dr. David Busic
Who is the current USA/Canada Regional Director?
- Rev. Dr. Stan Reeder
Where do I send questions for the DAC, JGS, or RD about the DS Transition?
- DAB Secretary, Rev. Dr. Jason Stevens at jason@harvesternaz.com