Praying – To encourage people to pray for all efforts of world evangelization
Through specific times of prayer (the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, World Day of Prayer, and Nazarene Week of Prayer), we’re interceding for leaders and churches and for the Holy Spirit to draw all people to Christ.
How we Pray:
NMI Prayer Homepage
Prayer Mobilization Line
Discipling – To challenge children and youth to learn about and participate in the mission of the church
Through activities like Mission Mania, Work and Witness trips, and missionary presence at camps, we’re mentoring and involving all people, including youth and children, to make Christlike disciples in the nations.
How We Disciple:
Nazarene Global Mission
District LINKS Booklet
Our Missionaries
Giving – To raise funds for mission outreach.
By participating in the Easter and Thanksgiving offerings and regular missions giving opportunities, we’re devoting ourselves and our resources, including World Evangelism Fund, to extend Christ’s kingdom.
How we Give:
Missions Giving
Ten Percent Projects
Educating – To inform people of the world’s needs and what the church is doing to meet those needs.
With the use of adult, teen and children’s mission resources, we’re communicating an understanding of the needs of the world and how the church is meeting those needs.
How we Educate:
Engage Magazine
Mission Connection