“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. . .” Ephesians 3:20
Saturday, May 18
Doors Open at 8:30am
Christ First Church, Florissant
2890 Patterson Rd., Florissant 63031
The Values Conference is a Missouri District Church of the Nazarene event that aims to “Partner with local churches in Eastern Missouri in fulfilling their Kingdom mission, both locally and globally,” through Equipping, Educating, Empowering, and Encouraging.
Follow the Conference at Facebook/Missouri District Church of the Nazarene
Online Registration is Now Open!
Cost: $20 for adults | $10 for children, birth-6th grade.
Walk-up registration is $25 for adults and $15 for children.
All registrations include a box lunch.
Conference Schedule
8:30-9:30am Pre-Registration Check-In & Walk-up Registration
9:30-11:15am Opening Session with Dr. Jeff Stark
11:30am-12:30pm Workshop Session I
12:30-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-2:30pm Workshop Session II
2:45-3:45pm Workshop Session III
4:00-4:30pm Closing Session with Dr. Mike Palmer & Communion
8:30am – 4:30pm Exhibit & Ministry Booths Open
Keynote Speaker

Dr. Jeff Stark
Dr. Stark’s opening message will be titled, “Stirring Around in the Dust.”
Session One

Asking the Right Questions | Dr. Jeff Stark
God has called us to an adventure of mission! Before we set out, we must make sure we’ve stopped to Ask the Right Questions. Dr. Stark will explore the 7 Key Questions your church (and you as a leaders) will need to consider if you are to Join the Jesus Mission!

Five Core Principles of the Discipleship Journey | Dr. James Hicks
In 2022, Dr. James Hicks was commissioned by Nazarene Discipleship International to write a book comprising lessons on the Five Core Principles of NDI. These Core Principles are vital keys from the new Bylaws recently adopted by NDI. This workshop will introduce the book and give insights in teaching these Five Core Principles in different settings. The Five Core Principles are: Fervent Prayer, Compassionate Outreach, Comprehensive Biblical Learning, Intentional Mentoring and Equipping, and Authentic Relationships.
The book entitled “Five Core Principles of the Discipleship Journey: Twenty-One Lessons for Small Groups” has been tested across the USA/Canada Region by Sunday School classes and small groups, as well as, through individual mentoring.
(Sponsored by NDI)
Dr. James R. Hicks has been involved in mentoring and teaching small groups in church settings for 40 plus years. He graduated from Trevecca Nazarene College (University) followed by a M.Div. at Nazarene Theological Seminary and a D.Min. from Christian Theological Seminary. His doctoral dissertation emphasized teaching theology through the dynamics of small groups. His ministry in the last church he pastored extended over thirty-two years. The church was in a large university setting with various ages including graduate students. It was always a special joy for him to minister to those with no church background as well as those who had grown up in the church.
Now after thirty-two years, most of those disciples, especially from the early years, are ministering in other parts of the country. Prayerfully ministering through discipleship, mentoring, and equipping has certainly been his greatest passion down through the years.

What is NYI? | Rev. Melissa Jones and Team
What is NYI? What do those letters even mean? Who is served by this auxiliary? What do they have to offer to me? Support? Training? Events? Come imagine all the ways we can join together!!!
(Sponsored by NYI)
Led by a District NYI leadership team, this workshop will begin with information about what NYI means and who it serves, followed by information about key District NYI event and how you can get in on the fun.

Worship Leading 101| Rev. Jade Kravat
Whether you’re just beginning your journey as a worship leader or you’re a seasoned leader looking for a fresh strategy, you are invited to “Worship Leading 101.” Join us as we dig into the art and heart of worship leadership!
Rev. Jade Kravat has served on staff at Harvester Church of the Nazarene in St. Peters, MO since the fall of 2020 as the Worship Pastor. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (2017, Worship Arts) and a Master of Organizational Leadership (2022), both from Trevecca Nazarene University, and she is currently pursuing ordination in the Church of the Nazarene. Prior to moving to Missouri, she served at various churches in the Nashville area in both staff and volunteer capacities. She is passionate about using music, Scripture, and liturgy to encourage the development of a relationship with Jesus.

Peru Mission & Child Sponsorship | Sarah Alvord de Salinas
Sarah Alvord de Salinas will share about what life is like in Peru, the challenges and joys one faces living in a different country and culture, and what God is doing through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Child Sponsorship, and the local Church in Peru.
(Sponsored by NMI)
Sarah Alvord de Salinas currently serves as the national coordinator for the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Child Sponsorship Program in Peru.
Sarah met her husband, Pedro Salinas Huaches, while she was studying Spanish in Quito, Ecuador, and they were married a few years later in Peru. While living in the United States, Sarah served as an English as a Second Language teacher for Cactus Nazarene Ministries Center and as the patient care coordinator for The Well Health Center in Cactus, TX. She also taught ESL in a public school in Illinois and continues teaching ESL online from Peru.
Sarah’s husband, Pedro, is currently a youth pastor in Tarapoto, Peru. Sarah and Pedro both enjoy music, playing sports, and eating Peruvian foods; but most importantly, they are both blessed by a loving Heavenly Father whom they want to serve with their lives.
Session Two

8 Missional Postures | Dr. Jeff Stark
Where do we start? That’s the question most leaders and churches ask. We want to join the Jesus Mission and impact the world around us; we want to lean into the adventure – but WHERE DO WE START?! Join Dr. Stark as he explores the 8 Missional Postures that are necessary to explore the opportunities before us!

The Journey of a Small Group Leader | Dr. James Hicks
There are lessons we all learn in becoming a skilled leader for various kinds of small groups. This workshop is for both experienced and novice leaders. Dr. James Hicks has taught small groups for over 40 years comprising of those with a church background and those who are entirely new to following God and being part of His Church. He will share his experiences of how he was drawn into developing small groups, how to start new groups, and will distinguish different types of groups. He will also share some of the changes that take place as both leaders and groups grow, bond, and mature.
(Sponsored by NDI)
Dr. James R. Hicks has been involved in mentoring and teaching small groups in church settings for 40 plus years. He graduated from Trevecca Nazarene College (University) followed by a M.Div. at Nazarene Theological Seminary and a D.Min. from Christian Theological Seminary. His doctoral dissertation emphasized teaching theology through the dynamics of small groups. His ministry in the last church he pastored extended over thirty-two years. The church was in a large university setting with various ages including graduate students. It was always a special joy for him to minister to those with no church background as well as those who had grown up in the church.
Now after thirty-two years, most of those disciples, especially from the early years, are ministering in other parts of the country. Prayerfully ministering through discipleship, mentoring, and equipping has certainly been his greatest passion down through the years.

Hungry for More | Rev. Shane Lima
Do you feel complacent? Are you feeling stuck? In this session, we will discuss how to reignite a hunger for the things of God, knowing that only He can satisfy.
(Sponsored by NYI)
Shane Lima is the Lead Pastor of Ambassadors Church of the Nazarene in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Shane is passionate about connecting people of all ages to the transforming power of the Gospel. He and his wife Alynne have been married for 8 years, and have one son. Shane is a fourth generation pastor, a graduate of the University of Rhode Island and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. The Boston Celtics, a cup of coffee, The Office reruns, and time with family are a few of his favorite things.

Righteous Brood: Making Your Family the Front Line of Mission | Hugh Halter
In this session Hugh Halter will share what it looks and feels like to develop and deploy your children into mission instead of just providing and protecting them from the world. Hugh will share four ways to disciple your children to stand against the cultural tides while they stand for the king and his kingdom.
Hugh Halter has been a consistent missional voice having authored such books as The Tangible Kingdom, AND..the gathered and scattered church, FLESH and this year he released The Righteous Brood and Brave Cities. Hugh loves to help churches move consumers into missionaries and he lives locally in Alton Illinois leading his third church plant.

Extreme Love: Compelled to Prevent Human Trafficking | Emma Wright
Extreme Love Ministries (ELM) is working in Cambodia to prevent and end human trafficking in a variety of ways. Come and hear how relationships and education are the first step in keeping children safe and establishing thriving families!
(Sponsored by NMI)
Emma Wright is serving as an English teacher for Extreme Love Ministries (ELM) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. ELM works to end human trafficking in a variety of ways, including preventing it before it can start. Emma teaches students in the Education Empowerment Program, which sponsors children in poor communities to attend school so they can get an education. English classes are one way to prepare these students to get a good job in the future, so they won’t be at risk!
After graduating from university, Emma moved to Cambodia, where she has lived and worked for six years (previously teaching at a university and then at a children’s home). She loves being able to teach English, as well as about Jesus Christ, through English classes. Her hope is for these students to not only have a brighter future but also know the One who created them and loves them!
Session Three

8 Practices of a Healthy Growing Church | Pastor Brad Farnsworth
Most churches in America are either flat-lined or declining. People are attending less often on Sunday’s, most are not connected in small groups, very few are inviting their friends and even fewer are serving. The result is the Church is having very little impact on the world around us. How can we turn this trend around? The 8 Practices will help move your people from passive observers to passionate followers and lead to a healthy growing church.
Brad Farnsworth has been in ministry for 24 years. He is the lead pastor at Core Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Brad has been a part of 2 church plants, a church merger, and starting 31 churches across East Africa. He has held pastor and church leader training conferences in the U.S., Ethiopia, and Guatemala. Before going into ministry Brad was a morning radio show host and can still be heard Sunday afternoons on Family Life Radio. Brad and his wife Laura have 4 children and 3 grandchildren.

Protecting Our Teens & Children from 21st Century Predators | Ms. Nanette Ward
(Sponsored by NDI)
Nanette Ward is a 2008 founding member of the Stop Human Trafficking Coalition of Central Missouri. She has been an active volunteer for the past 15+ years, several of those serving on the board of directors. As a day-to-day volunteer, Nanette conducts community presentations and trainings, engages in advocacy for and provides direct support to victims and survivors, and collaborates with service providers, law enforcement, and many other entities in the fight against human trafficking.

The Winning Strategy | Rev. Shane Lima
What gifts do you have? What situations have you encountered in life? What strengths and weaknesses do you bring to the table?Let’s imagine what God can do with the cards you’ve been dealt.
(Sponsored by NYI)
Shane Lima is the Lead Pastor of Ambassadors Church of the Nazarene in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Shane is passionate about connecting people of all ages to the transforming power of the Gospel. He and his wife Alynne have been married for 8 years, and have one son. Shane is a fourth generation pastor, a graduate of the University of Rhode Island and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. The Boston Celtics, a cup of coffee, The Office reruns, and time with family are a few of his favorite things.

Brave Cities: Building Kingdom Ecosystems as a New (Actually Ancient) Way of Being the Church | Hugh Halter
In this session, we will explore what it means to see the church as a city we build within the cities we live in or what we call Brave Cities. This session will include equipping for the following:
• The Theology of church as a city on a hill
• The opportunity apostolic and prophetic enterprise avails a new economy and new mission
• The 6 elements required to build a kingdom ecosystem
• The new church rhythms and structures that hold the kingdom ecosystem together
Hugh Halter has been a consistent missional voice having authored such books as The Tangible Kingdom, AND..the gathered and scattered church, FLESH and this year he released The Righteous Brood and Brave Cities. Hugh loves to help churches move consumers into missionaries and he lives locally in Alton Illinois leading his third church plant.

Nazarene Missions | Rachel Best
This workshop shares all about Nazarene missions. It focuses on Nazarene missions’ opportunities, where missionaries serve, qualities of a missionary, and how to become a missionary. This workshop also discusses the wide variety of ways God calls people to missions, and the wide variety of ways people serve in missions. Nazarene missionaries can serve as graphic designers, doctors, teachers, finance managers, pastors, and even in ministries like badminton! In attending this workshop you’ll be invited to imagine how God is moving in Nazarene missions!
(Sponsored by NMI)
Rachel Best currently serves as the Young Adult Mobilization Coordinator for Global Missions, the Church of the Nazarene. Rachel grew up very involved in missions, with her family moving to Alaska in late high school to do ministry. Through college she served with a global organization that fought human trafficking, and spent her summers abroad, most notably in Ukraine. After college she became a urban church planter in the US until she became a coordinator with Global Missions. Rachel creates research, events, resources, and relationships to help young adults, and any interested Nazarene, develop and pursue a call to missions in the Nazarene church. Rachel loves Jesus, coffee, and the Kansas City Chiefs.”
Kids’ Program

NURSERY AGE CHILDREN will be cared for by the loving and qualified Christ First Church Florissant nursery staff.

PRESCHOOL CHILDREN, ages 2-5, will enjoy a fun day of activities, snacks, Bible activities, and games just for them! Kids should wear comfortable clothes and shoes appropriate for outdoor activities and crafts. The preschool kids will be led by the amazing preschool staff at Christ First Church Florissant.

ELEMENTARY KIDS, first through sixth grades, will learn about the Fruit of the Spirit through lessons, movement, songs, and games. They will be led by Debbi Bronder. Debbi attends the St. Louis Trinity Church, where she has volunteered for many years in Children’s Ministry. Debbi co-leads the elementary kids at Family Camp, and she works as a teaching assistant in the public school system in special education. Debbi loves kids, and is a gifted leader.