All District Assembly Reports are due by Wednesday, April 10, 2024. 

Resources to Help with Annual Meeting and Delegate Guidelines

District Assembly Forms – Toolbox

District Assembly Forms are to be filled out through the District Toolbox.  Lead pastors should have a District Toolbox account. If you have trouble logging into Toolbox, please contact the district office – or 314-962-8977.

*Don’t forget to fill out your Lead Pastor Report in Toolbox!  Guidelines for the Lead Pastor Report will be coming soon.

Login to the District Toolbox by clicking here.

Paper copies of all the forms are provided to be used as templates before filling out the forms online.


Annual Pastor’s Report (APR)

Please fill out your Annual Pastor’s Report through the APR website by clicking here.

Here is a video put out by the GMC that will walk you through the process of filling out the APR.

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